Enables a much wider range of color spaces, conversion, and esoteric customisation in the server, build tool or preprocessor. Supports:
import {OCOValueEX, fromPrecise, fromBytes} from '@thebespokepixel/oco-colorvalue-ex'
import {render} from 'opencolor'
const r = new OCOValueEX('red', 'Test Red')
const g = new OCOValueEX('green', 'Test Green')
const b = new OCOValueEX('blue', 'Test Blue')
const ocoDocument = render(OCOValueEX.generateOCO('root', [r, g, b]))
Test Red: rgb(255, 0, 0)
Test Green: rgb(0, 128, 0)
Test Blue: rgb(0, 0, 255)\n